OK, what's this got to do with guitars and stuff? Well I've made a couple of DIY effect pedals in the past, and it's something I've been intending to do again once I'd got a bit more free time. This time I've decided I won't be inhaling those nasty fumes from my soldering activities! I was looking at my ever increasing scrap heap of old parts when I had an idea to convert an old computer power supply into a solder fume extractor. The idea being to remove all the internals (salvaging useful parts of course) leaving just the fan, then hook up a DC power source add a switch and pack the space inside with filter material. Pretty easy project really. One thing to note was I had to reverse the fan because it was blowing air out initially and I wanted the reverse. It's amazing what stuff you find inside. Here are just a few of the salvaged parts some of the salvaged parts I added a DC jack where the power cord used to be. DC jack for wallwart ...
A blog about making things related to stringed instruments